Monday 18 May 2015

Baby Bites: Scrambled Egg on Toast

Once baby reaches six months old, you can officially introduce eggs to their diet. These must be cooked thoroughly up until 1 year old though, so no runny eggs.

Scrambled egg on toast has become a favourite with my daughter and when making this, I tend to adhere to Bill Grainger's method and make for my partner too, as I'm not keen on eggs myself. Whilst this produces a rich and creamier scrambled egg that some will be used to, I think this is preferable as an occassional treat, rather than mundane eggs with milk throughout the week. You can of course, replace the cream for milk if you prefer though, but the eggs will be less creamy once cooked. Also do cook slightly longer that Bill does to ensure eggs are completely cooked so baby can tolerate them.

The below makes enough for an adult and a baby sized portion.

Two free range eggs
6 tbsp
Knob of butter
1 small slice of granary bread

Place the knob of butter into a pan on a low heat and allow to melt and pop your bread into the toaster or under the grill.

Crack the eggs into a jug or bowl and whisk up with the cream until the entire mixture is combined.

Place into the pan and allow to sit without touching for 20-30 seconds only.

Use a wooden spoon or spatula to fold in the mixture, as if you could when making a cake, lift and fold in all around for a minute.

Allow to sit for another 20 seconds, then repeat the process until all runny bits have combined.

Butter the toast (using unsalted butter or spread) and then soon over some of the scrambled egg,

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